Buried Pipeline
& Utility Locating Services



Kale was hired as someone fresh into the workforce with little experience in our field. Kale approached challenges with a vengeance, and we worked him along side various mentors to round out his experience. Like a sponge he soaked up all the knowledge we could throw at him as we put him through training of our in-house Line Locator Program.

Attention to detail has Kale producing top notch locator drawings with little change as they are put through our quality management process. He has pride in his abilities and demonstrates leadership by helping others learn the occupation.

Kale has proven to be a valuable employee with a bright future here at 3-D. Currently specializing in big inch pipeline work we continue to work with Kale to fully develop his potential.



  • Keyera KAPS
  • Keystone XL
  • Trans Mountain Expansion Project
  • Enbridge Integrity Digs
  • Cenovus Onion Lake Lateral
  • IPL Integrity Digs
  • Pembina Integrity Digs


What inspired you to pursue a career in your field?

I stumbled upon locating by accident when i was eighteen. A couple years later I was moved into my own truck as a locator. I fell in love with the challenge of locating facilities and drawing maps.

What has been your most memorable experience at our company so far?

Working in Kamloops, hiking up and down mountains everyday, meeting great people.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

Learning new locating techniques. Advancing in intricate diagram drawing.

What do you think sets our company apart from others in the industry?

3-D provides a space that offers many opportunities to grow. You have the chance to be involved in many diverse work environments that broaden your experience and connections.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

X-ray vision. It would make my job a lot easier.

What is your favorite thing about working here?

I’ve loved having the opportunity to work in so many different places around Canada and make so many connections that have turned into friendships.

How do you like to celebrate your successes?

I like to reflect on the things that I’ve done well and how far I’ve come and grown as an individual and leader. But also, how I can continue to learn so I can achieve greater success in the future.

If you could have lunch with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

Well that Nick Wren guy’s getting pretty old.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Everyone can teach you something, sometimes it’s what not to do.

What are your goals for the future, both professionally and personally?

Eventually, buy my first home, travel, and continue my career path in the oil and gas industry.

Where was your favorite place travelled for work and why?

Kamloops because of the scenery, various coworkers, and the challenges that crews overcame.

3-D Line Locating Ltd is a privately owned Buried Pipeline and Utility Locating, Ground Disturbance Management and SCT Services company. For over 20 years, we have been at the forefront of the Damage Prevention industry in Western Canada. Although the industry has changed significantly over the last 20 years, we have been very fortunate to have been at the leading edge of the evolution and still maintain the highest levels of quality, accuracy, consistency and customer satisfaction in our industry.

Follow us on FacebookTwitter, LinkedIn  and Instagram and stay up to date with what we are working on and all the latest news in our industry.

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